Monday, July 6, 2009

My Little Party Animal!

Saturday we went to my Mom's house for our 4th of July, Belated Father's Day, and my Birthday celebration! Grant had a BIG TIME... he refuses to sleep longer than 30 minutes, afraid that he might miss something. This kid was up at 530 Saturday morning, slept 30 minutes for his morning nap and 25 minutes for his afternoon nap and STILL didnt go to bed until 8:30 that night! Thankfully he's taken some awesome naps today!!!!

Grant LOVES playing with his cousins! He lights up when Tol walks in the room! Tol "read" him a few books, it was so sweet! I will have to upload the video and make a new post for that one!

This was the 25 minute nap!

Some Granny time... Granny made the BEST banana ice cream and she gave Grant some!

Playing rough with Uncle Tol!

I think this is one of the sweetest pictures ever, if you look close.. Tol and Grant kept rubbing feet!

SPRINKLER TIME! As you can tell Grant was NOT excited!

Here are some random pictures I have been meaning to share and just havent had time! I just think they are cute and sweet!

Grant looks JUST LIKE Franklin's baby picture here! So sweet and innocent!

Daddy's Boy!

This might go down in one of my "All Time Fave's".... This is my little wild man!
Well.. thats it!!!!!


Emily G. said...

That last pic is the cutest ever. I have never seen him smile so big!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

hallie grant is so cute! and yes they grow way to fast!! I am planning on making landry's baby food like you did with grant! any suggestions?? would you recommend the beaba? I have been really thinking about getting one.