Friday, August 13, 2010

Ready or Not!

Ready or not.. its coming next week! Grant is starting his Mother's Day Out Program for two days a week (T/Th from 9-2) and for months I've been saying "I am so ready" and now that its next week... not so much! I mean, I'm ready because I think he gets bored at home and interaction with new friends and adults will be great for him, and I love that its in a church setting! The part of me that isn't ready is the fact that it means he's truly a "Big Boy"! So.... in honor of that, I have been buying him new stuff for school, starting with a new haircut today! This is the before shot:
Waiting at the salon...
Getting the cut!
And the final haircut! I love it because its short but he still has his sweet curls! I couldn't go TOTALLY BIG BOY!
Next comes the nap mat! I had my friend, Julie, make this for me and its so cute! Here is an upclose shot of the top of the mat and the cute pattern!
The mat folded up, check out the handle at the top that makes it easy to carry! I love it!
The mat unfolded, with a pillow!!! I absolutely love this, but I get so tickled trying to picture him actually laying on this and sleeping! All I have to say is... I pray for his teachers! :)

Next comes the lunch box! I can't believe I'll be packing a little lunch! I'm really hoping he gets in a classroom where there is no Peanut Allergies so we can do PB&J's!
His backpack... its about as big as him! Oh well.. he'll grow in to it, and its cute!
New bib and sippy cups!
New Shoes!
A few new clothes (all of these arent new, I was too lazy to pull them out)!
New supplies... notice the packs of tissues... I dont know if those are for me or him!
Here he is with his "pickpack and wunchbox"! So precious!
I am so proud of him and hope he enjoys his new school!
We have orientation on Tuesday night and then his first day is on Thursday! I know he'll do just fine but I know it will be so hard for me! I can't believe how fast time has gone by and what a handsome good boy he's become! Stay tuned to see pics of his first day! (That is assuming I can see through the tears to take the pics!hahahah)!


Ashley said...

love all the preschool gear and especially the new hair cut!
What a stud muffin!

Emily G. said...

I am soooooo gonna take a pic of you sobbing! Haha!

LOVE all the "supplies" pics! :)

And that haircut.....please, he's so handsome! Are you sure he's not going into 1st grade!?

The Overstreets said...

He does look like a big boy! BUT, just remember that MDO is the BEST! And, when Em gives you a hard time, just remind her that she didn't wear eye makeup Nate's first day of MDO b/c she was crying so much! :)

Emily G. said...

Casey - when do I EVER wear eye makeup!?


Leah said...

I love his nap map. And he looks so old with his hair cut and a backpack on!