Thursday, July 10, 2014

Vacation, part I

This year we shook it up a bit and decided not to go to the beach. The boys have been itching to go to the aquarium and it just so happened that we were invited by some friends to go to Lake Chatuge in Hiawassee, GA!  So, we headed out a day early and went to the aquarium!

 The boys were beyond excited and Grant asked me to take tons of pics ot make him a scrapbook!
 They were the most excited about seeing a shark!  The first little hammerhead we came across was one you could touch! We spent thirty minutes trying to catch that fella and we succeeded!

 We spent a long time at the "big shark" tank... isnt he creepy!

 Grant was SUPER excited about seeing the Otters because his mascot for kindergarten is an otter.

 A scuba diver was in the tanks cleaning and had a ton of interaction with the kids, this was Cole's favorite thing!

 Of course a trip to the Aquarium wouldn't be complete without getting a treat from the gift shop!  Cole got a shark (Clarky Sharky) and Grant got an otter (Ottie)!  THey were so good and we had a fantastic time!
After the aquarium we checked into our hotel, went for a swim and then went for dinner at Mellow Mushroom and then for a treat at Ben and Jerry's.  FUN TIME!

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