Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Enjoying the weather!

We have really been enjoying this weather lately, I hope its here to stay! Last Friday Grant and I went to my Dads and spent the night since it was Daddy's turn for "Guys night out"! Deloris and I went to Opry Mills to get Grant some new shoes and Dad kept Grant.. it was great! After a good three hour nap, we decided to take Grant to Cherokee to see the ducks and he loved it!

Some of these ducks were as big as he was and he'd get a little scared of them! He would say "Quack Quack... Mama.... Hold You" over and over!!!!!! They were a little agressive since people feed them all the time, but they weren't mean! They just wanted that bread!

When we got ready to leave Grant followed them yelling "BYE...... Bash" (meaning Bath).. he thought he could go take a bath with them.. therefore leaving was not fun! But all in all it was a fun little adventure!
We came home and played hard outside! Dad grilled some delicious hamburgers and we played a few rounds of Ladder Ball!!!

Of course, when we went to Opry Mills DeeDee had to pick him up some goodies, so we wound up with a cowboy hat and a Handy Manny Tent... and he loves both of them!
As you all know Grant is OBSESSED with "gashes" and I got him a new pair with Sharks on them! He now has 4 pair... we dont leave home without them!

And of course no visit would be complete without a photo session with Papa in their Masters gear!

It was a great visit and we had a great time! Thanks for the delicious meals and quality time!


Leah said...

I love the duck pictures. Those are some big birds! I can't believe Grant got as close as he did. What a big boy!

Ashley said...

Wow, brave boy with those HUGE ducks!!

Emily G. said...

He looks so grown-up in that baseball hat! Love the Masters pic with your Dad kissing him!!!

Simmons Family said...

oh you can tell your dad is in love with him!! he is adorable! I can't wait to see yall tuesday!!

Unknown said...

Hallie! He looks so big! When did my baby nephew become a real boy?!? Miss you!