I guess you can give me the "Mom of the Year" award. I have taken zero pictures of my child the past two weeks and have not blogged, for that I am sorry! I've been a wee bit on the tired side!
Anyways, I don't have pictures to post but I do have an update on Grant and his school!
He absolutely LOVES it! The little stinker doesn't even tell me goodbye! The entire ride he says "OOOH go to Soool, see Ambo (Miss Amber), play with baby doll". The first thing he grabs when he gets to school is a naked baby doll and he plays with it the entire time, I guess I need to buy him a "boy doll".
When I pick him up, he always smiles and says "Mommy, Hi" and will continue to tell me about his day! I absolutely LOVE reading his report about how his day was. I also feel like Grant is somewhat of a "teachers pet" with Miss Amber. Everytime I walk in the room she say "I just love him, he is such a sweet and loving little boy". I am so glad that he is good for them, and it thrills me that he's loving and kind to other kids because when he's with me he doesn't always act that way. But I'm his Mommy and of course he will test me more! Anyways, when we left yesterday I told him to tell his teachers goodbye, he went up to Miss Amber and hugged her and sd "Bye Baby". We both looked at each other and died laughing! "Bye Baby"... really Grant! Little flirt!
Next Monday is Grant's 2nd birthday, I can not believe he is about to be 2, time is flying! His little vocabulary and personality are really blossoming and I can't wait to see what a few more months in school does for him!
Next week I promise to have lots of pics and a decent post!!!!!