Monday, September 27, 2010

Playdates and Being 2!

I've had a couple of Dr's appts in Nashville lately and at the last minute my babysitter has had an emergency and Praise God for good friends because Emily saved me! I couldn't fathom the thought of taking Grant to the Dr with me, its at least a two hour process each time I go.
She sd he was good and I am so glad, I felt bad because she has two kids of her own, but thankfully Grant and Nate played well together! I think that they have become BFF's since they meet at school every Tues and Thurs and hold hands and run to the fish tank! So cute!
Here are the pics she took!

This is Grant's new obsession, we have to do sidewalk chalk everytime we go out now!
Snack time!
This picture cracks me up, he's ready to ride.

For a little change of pace, Grant has really grown up in the past few weeks. I can tell a huge difference in him since turning 2 and being in school. His vocabulary has really expanded, he's actually speaking some sentences! Here are some of my favorite phrases;
"No Mommy, I do it"
"More Strawberries Please"
"Treat, been good boy"
"Play with Nate, go Nate's house"
"Potty like Nate"
"Ghost PJ's, Ghosts say OOOOOH"
"Trick or Treat, Candy Bucket"
Thats all I have to blog about for now!


Emily G. said...

haha the ghost one cracks me up!!! I swear he talks like he's 5, not 2!!

and....I will keep him ANYTIME!! as long as we have multiple buzz lightyears to keep the peace :)

The Overstreets said...

Those two sweet boys on the bed is too cute!!! I hope you are feeling okay!