Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Baby!

As most of you know, we are expecting our 2nd child in March! We are very excited! Bless its heart, it already has 2nd child syndrome! We have no nickname other than "baby" (Yes, Em.. I know it drives you crazy! hahahah!). Anyways, we went to our 20 week ultrasound last Friday and got some good pictures of the little peanut! We managed to stay strong and NOT find out the sex, it was much harder than I thought, but healthy was all that mattered to us! We do have access to the gender if we so choose to find out, but I have no idea where that information is, and for good reason! hahah!
I have put up a "poll" to the right of this posting, its kind of hard to see, but you can vote on what you think the gender might be!!!!!! I have no clue! I had a gut feeling Grant was a boy, but this time, I really don't know! The pregnancies have been both similar and differnt. I crave some of the same things and some I dont. I have loved candy(think Skittles, SweeTarts, and Sour Punch Straws!), but not chocolate (unless its a Snickers!), spicy food, Mexican, sweet tea, and LOTS of fruit!!!! Esp apples, grapes and strawberries!
The two biggest differences I have had: Only 4 weeks of morning sickness, rather than 8 with Grant AND my skin... oh my skin... I had awesome complexion with Grant.. this time I look like a 15 year old!

The above picture I think is so sweet, the baby has its little hand on its face!

The next picture I find hysterical! Most of my girlfriends joke with me because of my middle toe, its rather longer than the others! In fact, I used to call them ET fingers, hahah.. anyways I can not wear "peep toe" shoes because I have to buy 1/2 size bigger OR that toe comes completely out of the shoe! (Which is why I hate Crocs.... my toe ALWAYS pokes out of that hole in the front.. MEH).. but take a little look at this baby's toes, if it is a girl, bless her, she will never get to have peep toe shoes!!!! Hahah.. a Swindell trait I am proud of, although a little annoying sometimes!


Emily G. said...

Sweet Baby finally gets a post!!! Love all the pics...even the weird toe one haha!

I see you figured out the tickers..good job! :)

Ashley said...

Great ultrasound pictures!:) I guessed "girl" to follow mine and Emily's pattern! Looking forward to seeing you tonight!