Wednesday, August 31, 2011

5 months

Happy 5 month birthday to my sweet Cole! It makes me so sad to think of how quick the past 5 months have flown by! The above picture says it all about him, he is like this 90% of the time! His little laugh and smile can instantly cheer you up!

Alot has been going on in the past month, we have started baby food & he's fan! We have tried sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, and squash, he likes carrots the best!

Bananas.. eh... take em' or leave em'.

Squash was also a big hit!

He's become very active and what I would like to call a "roly poly". I will put him in his crib for nap just like the below picture... and I come in to find several different things when we wakes up.....

Feet in the air and usually cooing or laughing or.......

Sideways.. and still giggly

and the most pitiful.. when he flips over on his tummy and can't get back to his back, that sweet little arm gets stuck :( SO SAD.

Although pitiful, I love this picture because finally... it shows his blonde hair coming in on top! Other pictures it looks red for some reason.

He is also a huge fan of the jumparoo, he jumps like crazy in this contraption! I love to watch him grab for the hanging objects and spin the little toys, this is his "focus face"!

And for our latest milestone, he is trying to sit up! He can sit up for about 10 seconds without assistance, it makes me so happy to think of how far he's come but so sad to think my little fella is already able to sit up without me.

Even when he falls over (on the nice padded boppy I might add), he is still all smiles!

This sweet little angel has brought a ton of extra love, laughs and smiles to this family! Happy 5 months my sweet Cole, you're a pure joy!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

I agree...CANNOT believe he's already 5 months! Love those sweet cheeks and can't wait to kiss them soon!

PS. You weren't kidding about the blonde hair! So cute!!!