Thursday, December 8, 2011

O Christmas Tree

My Mom came over on Monday to help me put up my Christmas tree. Having two kids, its hard to do by myself. She also got us a new 9 ft tree this year and I was super duper excited! Grant saw the ladders and all of the ornaments and his little eyes lit up! The first thing he wanted to do was put the star on top!
He got the small ladder and and found a spot that was just for him to decorate and he loved it and was super proud of what he was doing.

He didn't venture from his little spot and was enjoying hanging all of the ornaments in that one section. Mom and I were laughing because it was driving me nuts seeing all of those cluttered ornaments but I just smiled and let him hang them, I knew I could "fix it" when he took a nap!

Even Lula Belle got in to the Christmas spirit!
Cole... oh my sweet Cole, man alive was he in to EVERYTHING.

I had to find ways to trap him and this jumparoo was short lived.. so I did what any Mom would do....

Yes.. I stuck him in the rubber maid and he LOVED IT! Grant saw how much fun he was having and got in one too, except he wanted the lid on his... dang...maybe I need to buy some spare rubber maids because this lasted a good 45 minutes!

Needless to say I got NOTHING done and my Mom got everything done! I was so happy with our decorations!
Our new tree is so tall that I couldn't even get the entire tree in the picture!
Thanks Buddy for our new beautiful tree!


Emily G. said...

that IS a beautiful tree!!!!

and the rubbermaid tubs....omg....hilarious! the simple things that kids love never cease to amaze me! :)

Ashley said...

So glad we were able to see your AMAZING tree yesterday! Cary even was raving about your decorations!
Thanks again for watching my kiddos!