Monday, January 2, 2012

9 mths and Nosey!

Can you help but smile at this face? Cole Miller is now 9 months old, this is hard for me to swallow... he's 3 months from being 1.. thats crazy! He has really changed the past month, he's gained 3 lbs, crawls... well scoot/slides backwards, tries to pull up on things and stand alone, and have I mentioned he's SUPER NOSEY. WOW....he cranes his neck at everything, if he's within reach he grabs it, if there's a crumb he finds etc.
He is really in to eating too. He doesn't really want his baby food, he wants what Momma has! Despite his 2 teeth he thinks he can eat anything!

He can say: Mama, Dada, Bubba (Grant), and ball

Even though he's not fully crawling he finds a way to get to what he wants, he gets on his stomach and slides or he just turns around as far as he can and reaches, he is one limber little dude! I swear in another life he'd be an Owl because he tries so hard to turn his neck completely around, again I say, he's NOSEY!
These next few pictures kill me! I noticed he had been doing this a lot....
But I thought he was just trying to get something off of the coffee table. But later that morning we were in Grants room playing trains and I got up to get something, turned around and found this..
I freaked out! I am 99% sure that Grant didn't pull up until he was completely crawling. Everyone keeps teasing me saying he'll walk before he crawls but I sure hope that is not the case!

Something else he does... what I like to call the "tee-pee" stance! Seriuosly he tries to stand up. He'll move his hands and try to raise his body up. Sheesh.. Im gonna have my hands full.
And.. he is totally crazy about this dude..
He LOVES Grant and the feeling is mutual! Grant smothers him (a little to much sometimes!) with love and every time Cole sees him coming he squeals and kicks his little legs!
Our afternoons usually consist of this.. playing cars in the hall!

And for my last picture... he's straight up BUSTED. Little stinker opened the box of wipes and pulled out half of them. I have a feeling once he's seriously mobile.. he's gonna keep me BUSY!
I love my little Nosey Rosey! (PS. I have NO idea why this turned blue.. weird)

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

love that you snapped that last pic!!!! ps those duck pjs take me back to abbys baby days.....