Monday, January 30, 2012

10 Months

Happy 10 Months to Cole Miller! I know I say it every time, but SERIOUSLY he can't be this old? This little dude is W-I-L-D! I've mentioned before that he's in to everything and that is no joke! Most of my family and friends say they can't get over at how fast he can crawl and get whatever he has his eye on! Notice the picture below, every cabinet is open and he gets EVERYTHING out!
He has also started "cruising" around his toys and he will stand up freely in the middle of the room (I couldn't get a picture of that unfortunately).
He LOVES animals! At my Mom's house he sees her dog, Lula, and immediately starts giggling and goes after her! Here he is at my Dad's!
I don't know why, but I think babies sitting on their knees is the cutest thing ever!

Here are some highlights from this month:
-We have two front teeth (well almost)
-He is free standing
-Weighing in at 19 lbs
-Says: Mama, Dada, Bubba, ball, and ugh oh
-Loves blueberries, grapes, goldfish, pretzels, and oddly enough.... hummus!
- Giving "hi 5"
- Clapping

Happy 10 months Cole!!!!!


Emily G. said...

I love that he loves hummus! what a nut!!

and what a cutie!!! :)

Ashley said...

Happy 10 months!
Hope the little guy feels better soon!