Thursday, March 15, 2012

Granny White "Pawk"

On Monday we went to Mom's house for a playdate. Tol and Yates are on spring break and they really wanted to have a "boy party" (or in Grants words "boy pawty"). When we got there Mom had a beautiful picnic basket full of fresh fried chicken, fruit, and snacks.. and naturally it was raining. I let Grant stay for the afternoon and Cole and I came back Tuesday morning and we headed to Granny White Park. When I arrived Grant and Little Tol were chanting "Granny White Pawk, Granny White Pawk".. so sweet! Mom and I loaded up all 4 boys and turned them loose when we arrived! Cole can walk behind a push toy but not on his own yet, so I let him in the grass, he picked up anything and everything he could find!

The kids ate a great lunch and then we gave them treats, can you guess what Yates had?
Yep, a brownie! Grant surprisingly chose peanuts, he is really in to cracking them.
Grandaddy surprised us for lunch and was soon recruited by Little Tol to play basketball. Grandaddy was a trooper playing in a suit in 75 degree weather!
Then came my favorite park.. THE SWINGS! I can't help of think of my all time favorite childhood song "Just a Swingin" by John Anderson. I was leery of putting Cole in this because Grant has always hated the swings until just recently. I put Cole in the swing and check it out!

He died laughing and would take his feet out of the holes and prop them up, it was hysterical!

Each kid did their own thing and had a great time and certainly burned off some energy.

Moms friend, Deanna, bravely came and joined us and pushed all the boys on the swings, Thanks Deanna!

Who loves Granny White Park.....
We dooo!!!!!!

Thanks Buddy for wearing out my little munchkins, they took 3 hour naps, can I get an AMEN?!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

I'll give you an AMEN!! :)

C looks too cute in those swings, just as happy as a clam!