Monday, March 5, 2012

11 Months and feisty!

This little beauty is now 11 months old, where has the time gone??? I still feel like he's itty bitty but he's not. He is full of life and has his own little personality! He's DAYS away from walking and LOVES HIS MAMA (we are experiencing some separation anxiety, ok ALOT of separation anxiety)! He is so attached to me, although sometimes frustrating, I do love it! (Sidenote: How cute are babies in a bathrobe???)
This kiddo is still nosey and in to everything! He loves to follow his brother and is desperate to run after him! He lights up when Grant comes in the room, and also screams when he zooms pass him and does something pesky to him! If Grant has something, he wants something too... I've learned snack time can be a challenge, Cole must have a "like" sippy cup and the same snack or you will get a serious meltdown, his feeling will be crushed. When Grant stands up in the middle of the room, Cole stands up too! If Grant pounces on Daddy, Cole is right behind him! Its so stinkin' sweet!
Here is another new favorite thing (see below), he's been doing this about a month. He comes right up to me and holds those sweet arms up and says "UGH" or "Mama" and wants you to pick him up! Its precious!
Cole is also really in to eating. He's been protesting babyfood, can't say that I blame him. Just in the past week he has really boycotted eating and will cry until I give him whats on my plate. Here are some new faves: sweet potatoes, pot roast, mashed potatoes, tomato soup, tilapia, brown rice, tacos and refried beans, eggs, avocado, cantaloupe, tortilla with melted cheese... Im sure there are more but so far he is loving some table food! Which leads me to the fact that he has 3 new teeth coming in which will give us a grand total of 7!

FEISTY... OH IS HE FEISTY! Franklin and I have definitely decided he's gonna be our "man on the run". Everything he does is with full force. He is a determined little fella. At bath time (pardon all the pictures, I couldn't help myself) he finds a toy, particularly a red cup, and will stand up, beat it on the tub and proceed to throw it out. I will pick it up two or three times then after being saturated with water and sick of getting it I tell him NO and give it back for the last time. Watch the series of events and his facial expressions!

Yep... there it is, on the floor
How about this one Mom, can you get it too?
Where is it?

Seriously Ma, I want that toy back, Im getting mad...
officially mad at me..
Yep, its time for bed, crazy hair and all!
This little fella is such a sweet boy and he and his brother have given us so much joy!


Ashley said...

love all the pictures, even the crying ones!

The Overstreets said...

Oh my word! What a cutie!! That last pic takes the prize though!

Emily G. said...

loooooove the bath pics!!!!!!!! he is SUCH a pretty boy! and I have a feeling he's gonna use those good looks to get what he wants ....esp from his momma, haha! you're in for it!