Friday, February 24, 2012

But WHY?

Oh my sweet Grant... just like this picture shows.. the kid is always in deep thought. The questions I get these days never cease to amaze me. I find myself often getting frustrated at the ten million "BUT WHYS" I get everyday and some of the questions I have NO EARTHLY IDEA how to answer! All the while, I love this questions because it lets me know he's "thinking" and using his imagination! Here are some of the questions I've gotten this week.

1. "Mom how does Mickey Mouse take his clothes off?"
2. "Mom why are there clouds in the sky? Me: Well, they hold moisture and eventually it will rain" Grant: But why? Me: Because thats how God wanted it be G: But why did God want it that way Me: HE JUST DID! (I gave up!)
3. We were pulling in our neighbor.. G: "Are we in the jungle Mom" Me: "No we are in our neighborhood" G: "OH... well I was just teasing anyways"
4. "Mom, will sharks eat my eyeballs" Me: YES (thats all I knew to say)
5. "I like Little Caesars Pizza, do you like the Big Caesars?" Me: "Um.. well I've only had Little Caesars Grant, but yes I like it" Grant:"I think it tastes like chicken and so does my friend Noah"
6. "EWWW Why do fish poop in their tank, thats really gross"

These are just a few of the MANY questions I get everyday. I don't always know how to answer them and I try not to get frustrated after the 100th question of the day! I try not to let him see me giggle but I can't help it, He's such a funny kid and I love him so much!


Emily G. said...

love these! especially the fish/poop one!!!

Ashley said...

Love that pic of Grant!:)
He looks like he's up to something!