Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mr. Ray!

We have started our Zoo class again, thanks to Rachel and Uncle Sam. Last year Grant absolutely loved this class but more than anything, he loved "Mr. Ray", a black and white dotted sting ray! As soon as we got to the zoo he asked to see "Mr. Ray" but we told him he had to go to class first! I couldn't help but post the "Mr Ray" pictures first so you can see his amusement!
The class starts off with a book and then she brings out two animals for each child to pet. We've seen a possum, porcupine, hedgehog, and a baby owl!
While thats going on, Cole and I sit in the back and he eats a snack! Its hard to believe that last year during this class I was 8 months pregnant with him!
After seeing the animals, the kids do a craft about the animal they saw and then have a snack. Before class is dismissed they hold hands in a circle and sing "This is what we learned today".
Then of course, after class its down to see Mr. Ray!
Yep, even little Brother is a fan!

... and its time to go! :)

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

that last pic is hilarious (and adorable)!!! :)