Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Extravaganza!

What a Christmas we had! We had four Christmas celebrations with Gparents and then our own family Christmas! We are so blessed with a big bountiful family full of live and joy! 
First up... Buddy and Grandaddys!

This part is funny to me, we are all sitting on the couch and I hear my Gpa laughing, I walk in the office to see Cole coloring with markers and his hands and nose are covered!
Cole also went up to anyone with dessert and snuck a bite, he basically ate all of Grandaddy's pie!

On Sunday we headed out to Monterey to see Grandma and Ron! It was a great time and I only have this one picture? I KNOW I took more? I had some of the kids playing on this mattress thing she had, but cant find them??  Anyways.. delicious food and wonderful time at Grandma's!

Christmas Eve, we drove down to Cookeville to see Grandpa!  Of course it was like pulling up to Winter wonderland with all of his lights and decorations! He even had a snow machine!

Uncle Sam and Aunt Rachel!

Then came Christmas morning, I got caught up in the moment and then cooking breakfast and don't have many pictures at all! But Santa was definitely good to us!
Grant, super excited over his DS!
All Cole cared about was his candy! He got all of his and spread it out and started digging in, never mind his Santa presents.  Speaking of Santa, Cole ate the rest of his cookies!  Little stinker!
OH ... and the Gator! But it was a short ride, it was FREEZING!

Christmas night was our last celebration but it was a great one! We headed to Papa's for another yummy supper!
Cole ate about 6 pcs of cheese, my kinda boy!
Grant is CRAZY over these "Trash Pack Kids"!
Little Tol got a guitar but Cole was NUTS about it and kept yelling "Tar, Tar, Tar"

Uncle Don gave all the boys roller blades!  Im gonna have to bubble wrap Grant, this makes me nervous, but they are AWESOME skates!

Look at these faces??? Serious DS playing!
Kelly went home to get Banjo, the newest member of the family!  I love him, but no, I dont want one!
And while she was home, she was sweet enough to give us the boys old guitar.  Cole carries this around ALL DAY!  He  loves it.

It was a FANTASTIC Christmas... now all I need to do is floor the attic, Im out of room! We are so thankful for not just the fantastic gifts that were given but for the delicious food and wonderful love that was given to us!  We had a very Merry Christmas!


Jessica said...

You have been talking about flooring the attic forever!!!! Haha...looks like you had so much fun for Christmas!

Ashley said...

Wow, what a Christmas! Love the pic of you and Banjo!
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.:)

Emily G. said...

great pics! and omg 4 christmases....I cannot even imagine how exhausting that was! :)

more comments....

1. you look so beautiful with your hair pulled up like that! :)
2. the DS serious faces with tongues out is hilarious
3. didnt know cole loved smarties so much....he needs to hang out with greg & abby - they are nuts for them too! oh wait, I think you love them too. weirdos. you know I am a chocolate girl.