Friday, December 14, 2012

CPE Christmas Program

Last Thursday night the boys had a little Christmas program at school.  Every kid had worked so hard on crafts and preparing their songs for the show.  The first of the show had a slideshow of each child! (I missed this part)

 Ok, Im still not sure what Grant's class was supposed to be dressed as, nonetheless, they were cute.. and lets just say Grant was LESS THAN THRILLED about his pink shirt.
 Of course, Cole wasn't having any part of his class participation, he saw Mommy and that was it.
 Miss Wendy trying so hard to get him to stand and sing!
 NOPE.. there's Mom!

 This is where the series of events start to take place... Grant didn't sing he just stood there and then would randomly SIT on the risers.
 Oh and lets not forget to stop and PICK OUR NOSE!
 And... Im not sure what this move is... .perhaps a "Praise Jesus".. haha not real sure!

 You can tell he and his little friend are getting ready to do something...
 oh yes.. lets smash each others faces!
 And then.. off comes the shirt!
 and we're done!

After the program I sd "Grant, you practiced so hard on your songs and moves, why didnt you do them" Grant: "Because I hated that stupid pink shirt, its for girl".. Enough sd!
Merry Christmas!

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