Friday, November 30, 2012

Turkey x's 3

We started off our Thanksgiving at Papa's house, which for some weird reason those pictures are at the bottom, even though I selected them first. Sometimes, I really do hate blogger.
ANYWAYS... Thanksgiving morning Franklin went to get Granny and Gpa so I had to entertain the boys while I cooked.. yes, I still have my old original Nintendo and they LOVE IT!
 AND I am proud to say that I made Cole's outfit! Well.. not his shirt, I made his pants!

 We had a great dinner at Mom's and then out for some outside play!

 Me and my sweet Gpa!
 Great Granny and Cole!
 Love Lula Belle

 Buddy was brave enough to keep ALL FOUR boys so Kelly and I could shop!  Sheesh..I owe her a BIG ol' bottle of wine!
 Saturday Franklin's family headed over and it was a FEAST!  A delicious one at that! Gma and Ron got to enjoy some time with the boys!

 Grandpa Frank came too...
 These next two pictures I just thought were sweet!

 Here are the pics from Papa's!

I am so thankful for such a BIG wonderful family!!!!! God has truly blessed us!


Jessica said...

Yeah on Cole's outfit!!! You and your family are always so cute!

Ashley said...

Lovin' the pants, girl!
Sooo cute!

Emily G. said...

good job on C's pants!!

and have the 2 most beautiful boys! miss you!!