Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A day at Papa and DeeDee's

This past weekend Franklin went on a hunting trip so they boys and I decided to go take a day trip to Lebanon and see Papa and DeeDee.  I had gotten Grant a Mario Brothers costume for good behavior and he would NOT take it off for two days!  He wanted to wear to Papa's and then obviously Cole had to be like big brother and wanted to wear his too!

 When we got there Papa and DeeDee had some goodies for the kids, some cool Transformer glasses that light up and a pig for Cole!

 After we visited for a while we ran a quick errand and had lunch and Papa had a surprise of taking Grant to play putt putt golf since it was such a beautiful day!  He, of course, played in his costume even though he was sweating profusely!
 Naturally, Cole wanted to be a part of it, cant say that I blame him!

 I would help him swing and he would laugh so hard and then run after his ball, he did great!
 The two golfing pros!

 There might have been a little cheating going on too!
 After some golf we came home so Cole could get a nap, Grant wanted to stay up so we went outside to play!

 You dont understand......  this is a RARE occasion, this cat HATES ME!
 Once Cole got up we headed down to Cherokee to feed the ducks, these ducks are NOT afraid of you! There was one huge one (you can see in front of me) would get RIGHT ON ME! It made me a tad nervous, but it was fun!

 See, look how close it is to me?!
 The boys loved it! Cole would take a bite of the  bread then throw it!  Grant is just like me, so tender hearted, he would pick the one little duck that would never get a bite of bread and say "Please little duck, get your bite"! love that boy!
 This kid has NO FEAR (well unless you take him from his Mama, hahahah)
 I wanted to pet this duck so bad but it would peck at me when I would reach for it, I won though!
 Before heading home I threw this fella in the bath and got him in his pjs, hoping he'd crash on the way home.
 Seriously, look at that butt, so sweet!

Thanks Papa and DeeDee for having us over, it was fun!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

love C's cute little butt!!

and omg - G playing putt putt in his costume; hilarious!