Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cole's Baby Dedication

Sunday was a very special occasion for us, we had Cole dedicated at church.  I have been meaning to do this.. well for 23 months now!  Woops, better late than never, right? It was a great ceremony and Im tickled to say that each Grandparent attended.  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and don't have pictures of everyone but a BIG thank you to Papa G for capturing these photos for us!

 Doesn't he look sweet?  This was the exact outfit Grant wore at his dedication, a precious gift from Aunt Mary Jo!
Proud of big Bro too!
 The ceremony started and they announced each child and showed their pictures, followed by a devotional and then the actual dedication!
 Poor Pastor Wideman couldn't get the anointing oil opened, we got tickled when he whipped out the pocket knife!

Sweet Brothers!

 ok.. and we're done! Time to go.. its over :)

It was a beautiful celebration and a BIG thank you to everyone who came!  I thank the Lord each and every day for these precious gifts!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

What a wonderful celebration!:) Glad to see you today at visit your church too!:)