Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cole's 2nd Birthday and Easter...

Holy cow.... we have been some serious party people lately.  We celebrated Easter and Cole's 2nd bday over 4 days... the poor kid became a PRO at blowing out some candles!
1st up.. .Grandpa came on Wednesday, brought some Easter baskets and bday gifts.. and a cake that may or may not have melted in his car ah-hem....  (you cant help but laugh!!).
 This little fella was super excited about CAKE!!

 Next up... Friday Uncle Sam and Grandma came up for Pizza and Cake!

 Then on Sunday we headed to Pulaski for the big Easter egg hunt! It took probably 7 tries to get this stupid picture... oh to have my tripod... WHERE IS IT????   How does one lose a tripod????  Only me!
 Happy 2nd bday baby!
 Little Tol wore this hat and Cole would NOT take it off... he could barely see where he was going!

 All the boys got some great Easter baskets from Buddy and Grandaddy all filled with the same things.. all Cole cared about between his gifts and his baskets was the chapstick!
 He gave some to EVERYONE!
 look at his lips.. he's all puckered up
 While Buddy and Grandaddy hid the eggs Tol and Franklin entertained the boys by shooting a foam bow and arrow down the halls ... BOYS

 And they're off....

 Little Tol found the golden egg this year!

 Most everyone was happy that Tol found it...  hahahah

 He's still a little mad! I would be too because he was in the same spot as Tol!

Easter morning.. Cole's official bday... what wld a bday be without chocolate pancakes?
 All decked out for church!

 So if you havent watched Duck Dynasty, you need to. Its basically the only family friendly reality show there is.. No BLEEPING, no cussing and they have no issues saying they are Pro God! I LOVE IT!  Anyways.. all the dudes on the show where bandanas and have big long bushy beards and long hair... well... one of the main guys on the show, Willie, came to speak at our church, so we decided in honor of him being a guest.. we should dress the part! (NO.. we did NOT wear these at service!).

 After nap Papa G came over for our final celebration! I made ham, potato salad, pinto beans, deviled eggs, cornbread and brownies with icecream and fudge! YUUUUM!  We let the boys dye some eggs too!

 Oh look... MORE CAKE!
It was a fantastic Easter and we had a great celebration with each family!  Happy Birthday Cole! :)


Emily G. said...

love their Easter outfits. cutest brothers ever!!

and the bandanas....LOL. I have not seen that show (shocker, I know, since I watch every other reality TV show), but I have heard it's awesome!

p.s. I have an idea where your tripod is. buried in your closet amongst the 100+ purses and pairs of shoes. just sayin'

love you! :)

Ashley said...

The boys looked soo handsome!:)
Looks like you all had a fun=filled Easter!
SO neat that Duck Dynasty guy came to your church. Do you know he went to Harding of all places for college?! Small world!