Monday, April 22, 2013

Cole's Music N Motion Party!

This past Friday I had Cole a little "Mommy and Me" party! Since his actual birthday fell on Easter and Spring Break it was hard to coordinate a family and friend party so I opted for the best way I knew and boy was it GREAT! Two of Cole's favorite things are dinosaurs and music.. so we had a Dinosaur and Music N Motion party!

My decor!
 The birthday boy!
 Cole and big bro... Grant sd he was "tired of celebrating Cole's bday", but then I told him it was all of HIS friends that were coming!  He replied with "Ugh.. Cole needs his own friends" haha I couldn't help but laugh.
 The cutie to the left of Grant is Kayleigh, our sweet neighbor!  To his right is Avery, his girlfriend!
 I do believe Colin is proud of his goldfish in this picture, hahah
 Sweet Teddy Anne!
 Notice.. there are no pictures of Cole at the table.. that would be because he WHINED and cried all morning. That was... until his favorite "Ms. Holly" from school (who teaches the music n motion) showed up and then he was ALL SMILES!
 Ms. Holly was a HUGE HIT with all the kids (and the parents as well)!

 After some introductory music.. it happened... Cole's FAVORITE PART every week at music... "Doobie Duck" comes out  of his magic bag to play and sing!  Watch his face....

 Cole doing "silly lips" with Doobie.

 Getting a "Nibble" from Doobie
 And a little hug from his favorite Doobie Duck!

 This cracked me up.. the babies, Jack and Claire, were MESMERIZED during the music...
 Seriously, could they BE any cuter?

 More music fun!

 A few close ups of our friends...

 Teddy Anne
 I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of Kayleigh... girlfriend shook it like a rockstar!  She LOVED IT!
 Ms. Holly's final song was "Monkey jumping on the bed" and they loved flopping the monkey on the parachute!
 oops... Kayleigh got hit in the face... but she's a trooper, she died laughing!

We had a FANTASTIC party and I can NOT thank Holly enough... she was so awesome with each and every child and made BOTH of my boys feel super special!  THANK YOU HOLLY!!!!!!!


Emily G. said...

love this idea!!!!

Jack has the cutest/fattest cheeks ever. And I didn't know G & Avery were dating! LOL

MJ said...

That looks like the best party ever! Nice to have another dinosaur lover in the family :-)

Jessica said...

Love the pictures!!! It was such a fun party Kayleigh still says "I danced at Grwant and Toles house with that duck" (in Kayleigh language). I am glad you invited us to be a part of it.