Monday, October 14, 2013


This past week was the kids Fall Break at school so I loaded them up and took them to Ohio to visit Franklin's Grandparents!  It was my first road trip with the kids (more than a few hours) by myself and I have to say they were EXCELLENT!  We travelled 6 1/2 hours and only stopped once! I was so proud!

When we got there Grandma was standing at the door and the kids were SO excited to see her!  After visitng for a while we headed out to Marioms pizza, our favorite tradition!  After that we headed to Meijer and Gigi got the boys a new toy (another tradition) and then we headed back to the house and chilled out and let the boys run wild!

 Sunday we went to church and then to lunch....
 then awaited a much anticipated visit from Uncle Jeff!  Poor fella, they wrestled him, pulled him, pounced on him.. he's a good sport!

 Cole and his horsey "Pink"!
 Monday we went to a little market with pumpkins and apples and then off to eat some chicken!  A lot of those pics are on my phone and I havent downloaded yet, sorry!

 Then on the way home I spent probably the BEST $5 I've ever spent, water paint and a tablet.. can I just say they sat here for over an hour! It was wonderful!

 After a nap Uncle Bob and Aunt Joann came down in their Jeep! The boys are mildly obsessed with Jeep's and he let them crawl in it and play and took them around the neighborhood.. they were in heaven!

 We had such a wonderful visit with Gigi and Pops and look fwd to going back!

Thanks for all of your yummy food, hospitality and love!  We had a great time!

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