Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pilgrims and Indians

 A few weeks ago the kids had a Thanksgiving program and man alive was it cute!  Grant was a pilgrim and Cole was an Indian.  Each class made several crafts...

 I can not express to you how funny Cole was during this program, last year he was stuck to me like glue and didnt do much of anything...  Cole has a classic "stink eye", well he gave that look, put both hands on his knees and bounced up and down the majority of the time!  OH how I wished I could figure out how to sync my vidoe camer to my computer.

 Oh.. theres me and baby Gray!  It was super awkward being up on stage front and center esp since our kids don't do anything but spit up and smile, its not like Phyllis and I knew the moves or words! Ha

 This was Cole's favorite song... he did EVERY motion!

 Cole and Miss Kim, he LOVES her!
 And there's my super tall, handsome Pilgrim!
 I was so proud of Grant because he really hates doing stuff like this, he's easily embarrassed.  I remember that awkward feeling of everyone watching you.
 He did great and earned himself a trip to Toys R Us, esp since he had TWELVE songs to preform!
 And here he is, taking a bow! :)

Such a fun time and so proud of both our boys!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

last pic is super cute! what a good looking family!

and omg I can't believe G had to sing 12 songs! that is insane!

just glad he didn't have to sing "a tootie tat a tootie tat a tootie tata!" lol