Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas At Buddy's

I'm back!!!!!!  Man it feels good to finally be able to walk up the stairs again!  The month of December was CRAZY!  We had a week or two of school, I had surgery, four Christmas celebrations and NYE!  
Before I get started on the Buddy's Christmas let me back up to tree decorating! I let each boy put a tree in their room and they LOVE IT!  I didn't touch either of their trees, they did them all on their own!

 Cole's tree
 Grant's tree
 Then came our tree...(excuse their attire, it was after church and before nap!)
 Oh the sweetness and excitement in Cole's eyes this year, he was beyond thrilled and I love living through their excitement!  Look at the bottom of the tree, Im pretty sure by the end he had about 60 ornaments on that one section!  And yes, I had to fix it.

And Elfie came to visit....  we do love that sweet little Elf.
That next Saturday we headed to Buddy and Dado's for Christmas.  I was fresh out of surgery so I basically parked it on the couch the entire time.

There were lots of great gifts given, yummy food that was indulged and lots of love passed around.  Another great year in the memory books! More Christmas posts to come!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

love the kids' trees! and good for you for letting them decorate them how they wanted. (I agree though - on the main tree - that's a different story, haha!)

for being "fresh out of surgery," you look pretty darn good momma!! :)