Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Graduate

If you are a friend of mine, you know how much I've been dreading this day... but I can proudly announce that my precious Grant has graduated from preschool.  He is beyond pumped about going to kindergarten and I am so excited for him.  I feel so sad and am a hot mess just thinking about taking him for his first day though.  Its not because I don't think he's ready, he IS.  Its hard for me because he's been solely mine for almost 6 years.  He's my shadow, my partner in crime, my PRIDE AND JOY, my best little friend.. and sometimes my pest! It will be SO WEIRD handing him off for five days a week for 8 hours a day come August, not to mention being a slave to the school system.  I love him and its been a pleasure (most of the time!!!) staying home with him and being a part of his day, even when he's at school. I'm so thankful to my kids Daddy for allowing me these precious moments and the time I've had raising them.   Having said all that, every season of life comes to an end and so its time to spring forth a new one!  
So... Grant's graduation was on a Tuesday night and he was SO EXCITED!  I was surprised by that because he HATES preforming in front of people but I think he knew this night was about him and all he accomplished! 
 Dont mind the booger picker!

Here's me and my sweet friend, Erin!  We cried a lot this day.  The auditorium was set up so beautifully and we walked in to save our seats and heard the music and saw all the decorations.. .BOOHOO!  Our boys have been BFFs for two years and we're sad they wont be going to kindergarten together, but thankful our little ones will still be at preschool together!
 Grant and his main squeeze, Avery!
 Grant and Ross
 Buddy and Grandaddy
 Grant and Jackson
 Grandma and G
 Grandpa Frank and G
 Papa, DeeDee and the boys
 Sarah and Cole .. refusing to be left out of the spot light! LOVE THEM!
 Grant and his AWESOME teachers, LeAnn and Jalah
 Look at these crafts, I cant imagine the amount of time these sweet ladies put in to all of this, SO THANKFUL!

 All of the kids did a great job, they preformed about 4 songs and had a slide show!

 Grant looking thrilled! hahahah

 Grant telling the crowd he wants to be a policeman!

It was such a great program and we are so proud of him!  BRING ON SUMMER FUN!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

such great pics!!! I wish our school did the cap & gowns for pre-k....I think that is the cutest thing ever!!