Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Little Shihtzu!

Let me 1st apologize for being a bad blogger... Grant has been .. well .....more and more mobile everyday and getting in to EVERYTHING! Franklin and I have made a funny discovery, every time you put sunglasses on Grant he makes this weird face, its a half grin with an underbite! He looks like my best friends shihtzu (No offense Elizabeth!), Gracie! I managed to get a few pictures and the video doesnt give it justice, you must see it in person!


Emily G. said...

He is too funny!!!! Missed seeing that little guy today!!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

That is just hilarious! So cute, and I can't wait to see him do it in person. His hair is getting so long and curly. Just when you think he couldn't get any cuter he does!!!