Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spoiled Rotten: Part II

So.. lets do a little bit of a re-cap! We'll start off with the "Ball Popper" from Carol and Nolan I told you about! This 1st picture I told him "Grant.. go get your ball popper"...

"Grant... Push the RED BUTTON on the ball popper" (Notice where his hand is..he knows!!!)

This is his face when he hears the music.. he knows that the balls are about to fly out of that hole! He usually sticks his hand down the hole and says "BAW" for "ball"!

This is the face I LOVE! There is a fan that blows the balls out and it hits him in the face and he gasps and does that :0 face!

CHeck out his hair as its "blowing in the wind".. HAHA.. it cracks me up!

OK.. Moving right along.... Lets go to Papa G and DeeDee's...
Now I took Grant over there on Friday because Franklin has been working very long and odd hours and Im exhausted, not to mention the fact that our garage looked like it had vomitted! YES.. I admit Im a horrible PACK RAT... not the point, the point is I needed a break for an afternoon and his Papa was dying to see him!
I mean.. he gets ZERO ATTENTION there... No one plays with him.. .No one gives him special "bath time".. in fact... no one loves on him ...
Here are just a few pictures from his visit!

Getting in to all of DeeDee's cabinets!
A Special Hair Care treatment!
Trying Desperately to get some cuddle time in with Papa!
And having NO ONE to play with...

Seriously.. Dont you pitty him!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we are back at home! Have you ever heard the term "Tusseling"? Probably not.. this is what my Dad called "Wrestling or Rough Housing" when I was a kid.. so every night we "Tussel" with Grant on the couch...
Anxiously awaiting someone to come and get him!
OH NO.. here comes Dada..........

Shew.. Im getting exhausted.. better stop for a drink!

OH MY BAD GRANT... I didnt know I wasnt allowed to stop and get a drink too...


mary leigh said...

too cute! i can't wait to see "ball popping" face in person!

Ashley said...

love his sweet curls! He is getting more hair.:)

Emily G. said...

Ha! Love the commentary!!! He is spoiled rotten (by his Gparents) but aren't they all!?

LOVE LOVE LOVE those horseplay/"tusseling" pics at the end. That face is priceless. I tell ya, boys love to horseplay!!

The Overstreets said...

You get the BEST pictures of him! I LOVE the last one! What would we do without grandparents? ;)