Saturday, October 30, 2010

Harvest Party Gone Wrong

Thursday was Grant's Harvest/Halloween Party at school and he was so excited! This year he is "Bruce the Shark" from the movie "Finding Nemo". All he talked about that morning was trick or treating and wearing his costume to school. Franklin and I told him that we were coming to school to be a part of his party and he seemed excited at the time. I dropped him off and told him we'd be back!
We got there promptly at 9:30 and came in to see the above and below pictures! Happy as can be!
Then Grant saw us and he became ... well... hysterical? We have no idea why but he cried and cried and cried to the point that Franklin and I had to walk out of the classroom. Thanks to some cuddling from Miss Amber he calmed down. While we were in the hall his music and Bible teacher sd "Is that Grant crying? He NEVER cries".

We managed to sneak in some pictures from the hallway, he didnt leave Miss Amber's side.

If you click on the picture below, you can see how red his little eyes are and the huge tear rolling down his face :(
Finally it was time to go "Trick or Treating" from classroom to classroom and I got to go with him. Even though he was holdingon to me he was still whining in b/t stops.
Here are all the kids lined up! SO CUTE!

Grant... still crying!

A sad, but cute shark!

We still arent sure why he was so upset but after we left, I called the school to make sure he was ok. She told me he was enjoying his pizza party and he was fine. Oh well... after that we headed to the mall for a "costume playdate" with friends (more on that later) and he was fine. I'm starting to rethink attending his Christmas Party, I think we interrupted his day!


Ashley said...

Sorry that Grant's party didn't go as planned.:( Maybe he was just "REALLY IN CHARACTER" and playing the part of a territorial shark!
Cute costume!:)

Emily G. said...

So weird!!!! And so sad for you :( I've always been afraid to interrupt N's day too.

Btw - I saw that G had a Woody in his class too! Popular costume this year!