Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A New Me!

I feel like I am always posting about the kids and what's going on in their lives and I often leave out Franklin and myself.  However, anyone who knows Franklin would know that leaving him out is just fine by him, Im a little too informative for his taste, but thats ok!

Anyways..  starting back in February I realized I wasn't exactly where "I" wanted to be in my life.  Yes, I'm happily married and have two beautiful children that are healthy but somewhere along the way of being "Mom" and "Wife" I lost sight of what was important to me and lost a lot of self confidence.  Franklin is super supportive and always tells me I look pretty or nice but I wasn't "Feeling" his compliments, although very much appreciative.  I found that I wasn't attending Girls Nights or going to certain social gatherings because I wasn't confident in my appearance, well my body.  After two kids and two c-sections lets just say things aren't the same!  I get frustrated with people who pop out several kids and POOF, they have a six pack back in 4 weeks.  I figured out that I am the only person that can change how I feel.  I was getting my hair done one day and my sweet hair stylist, Annie, made a good point to me.  She sd "Whether we "stay at home" or actually work its important that you make yourself look/feel good each day and allow time for yourself. Its also important to keep that in mind when making your budget to do the things that means something to you even if its something as simple as getting your hair done or getting a new nail polish".  I thought...  thats a great point, I don't do that because I feel like "Whats the point, Im not going anywhere".  So I made an effort to start getting ready more and I did feel better.. but I still had that nagging feeling of being uncomfortable with my figure.
I kept in mind what Annie had told me and called a friend thats a personal trainer and she came to the house with a super strict diet (um .. she took cheese away from me... seriously thats like taking liquor from an alcoholic.. TORTURE) and a killer workout.  I started out with her program and it worked but like every other diet/workout after 4-5 weeks I needed a change.  Lets keep in mind, its NO REFLECTION ON HER, she's the most motivated and encouraging person I know and in fact I just had her write me up another workout and can't wait until our next session.  So if you need a personal trainer workout to do at home, she's your girl and I'd be tickled to give you her info!

I couldn't put my finger on what it was that I was supposed to do until a friend introduced me to a new all natural weight loss product that she'd started selling.  My first reaction, like most people, was EH.. not interested, not my thing.  That was UNTIL I TRIED IT!  Its called Body by Vi, from ViSalus and its a meal replacement shake.  When she told me to replace a meal with a shake, I thought OVER MY DEAD BODY, I love food!  But, that was until I realized that there are hundreds of different ways to make these shakes so you don't get sick of them and they are DELISH! I'm NOT a shake person and Im NOT a meal replacement person, until now!  I became obsessed about this product especially when I saw weight melting off of me.  I couldn't believe it.. this stuff is natural (so natural breast-feeding Mom's and pregnant women can take it), its got the heart healthy seal, proven to reduce blood pressure, and it doesn't have any genetically modified crap in it, and last but not least its great for women who have gone through chemo or hormone changes!  I mean, what else could you want?  And it TASTES GOOD, did I mention that?

I decided that this product could mean life changes for my myself but my family too.  I realized the more weight I lost and the better I felt, the happier I became!  I have more energy than I've ever had, thanks to the vitamin line and the energy boosters, I'm OFFICIALLY DOWN 22 POUNDS and my husband and kids enjoy the products as well (and NO I don't have my kids on a weightloss program, its good for added nutrition to put in their pancakes, milk etc!).  I'm now a proud distributor of ViSalus products and if I can help ONE person become more confident in their skin and feel the difference I have felt then that makes me happy! Not only am I feeling better but as a "stay at home Mom", I've been able to help bring some income to the family! Its incredible to have a "story" to share and if you know of anyone battling the same problems I would be honored to mail you or that person a sample!  You can leave a comment in the comment box with your email address and questions if you have any  and you can also visit my website (which unfortunately is not so user friendly) at

Thanks for letting me share my experience :)  Have a great day and I promise the next post will have pictures of the kiddos!


Emily G. said...

22 lbs - that's amazing!!! I'm so proud of you....but more than that, I'm so happy for you....that you are back to feeling confident and gorgeous! :)

I love the products too and look forward to my shake everyday!

Ashley said...

You look amazing! Looking forward to trying the shake! Send me the recipes!