Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Calvary Preschool Express - Here we come!

I can't believe its here, its school time again and this year, I'm going too!  I have embarked on a new journey, teaching at the boys preschool!  Because of this new job, the boys also switched schools, we are now attending Calvary Preschool Express!  As soon as I interviewed with the Director, Kim Taylor, I knew right then and there that I wanted my kids to go to school there whether I got the job or not, she is PHENOMINAL.  A week after my interview, she called to tell me that I was on board and that I would be teaching the babies (ages 6-12 months).  Phyllis (the other teacher who I really enjoy teaching with) and I have a total of 7 babies, starting at 5 months all the way to 12 months; We have 3 boys and 4 girls and they are all precious.  Having said that, this was WAY MORE than I thought it would be.. I was thinking "Church nursery".. OH NO... I failed to remember its all day long, feeding, changing, cuddling, and napping (well.. TRYING to get them to nap), all the while.. remembering I have two hips and two hands!  We've been in school a week and I don't think I've ever slept so solid or enjoyed my crockpot so much! I know that I am going to LOVE this journey and am so thankful for this job! I prayed hard for a job that would be flexible with my hours so that I could be close to my babies, and boy did he provide!  My sweet Cole, is RIGHT across the hall from me, more on that in a minute!  Here is our classroom... 

 I started working a week prior to when school started, and the boys first day was last Tuesday!  Grant was SUPER excited and Cole.. well he didn't know what was about to hit him!  Nonetheless they looked cute and we got a FEW pictures (never mind the glare of me taking the pictures, humph).

 This pictures makes me bust out laughing!  Typical Cole :)
 And typical Grant, sweet, willing and excited!

The boys had a GREAT first day! Much to my surprise, Cole was the FIRST to go to sleep ON HIS NAP MAT!  I had great anxiety over this but he did excellent and they sd he didn't cry (that was unless he could see me across the hall!).  Grant, I wouldn't have expected anything other than what his teachers told me, he was excellent and their "helper"!  My first day was a tad on the rough side but I certainly had to get my "feel" of what a day would be like.  Im now adjusted (for the most part) and have come attached to these babies!  I'm thankful for this job and look forward to the rest of the year!


Emily G. said...

loooooooooooooove that pic of C! omg that backpack looks huge on him! love that little shrimp-o

Ashley said...

What a cool classroom! Love the barn theme!:)
Cute pictures of the boys too!