Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Wilson Co. Fair - Oh My

Grant had been talking about going to the fair for weeks so when the Wilson Co. Fair came we couldn't wait to take him!  He talked about riding the ferris wheel with his Papa, eating a corndog (nothing better than a carnival corndog!!), and riding a bunch of rides.  Grant did not nap that day, and on the way down he started acting kinda pitiful.  I chalked it up being tired.  When we got to the fair, we met Papa and took off.  Grant saw the ferris wheel and started whining that he didnt want to ride.  As a matter of fact, there wasnt much he wanted to do, which was much to our surprise after all the anticipation and talk!
 We finally came across these boats and motorcylces and he loved them!
 Despite his face, he had fun, but you can clearly tell he's not himself.
 Next up, the merry-go-round!  Cole absolutely LOVED this!  Grant.. not like he usually does.

 After some riding we decided to stop for some cotton candy, I couldnt get Cole to try it until I jammed it on his tongue...

 And.. he likes it!

 Of course what would a fair be without trying to win a goldfish?  I'm pretty sure my Dad paid a lot of money for me to win these crappy fish when I was a kid!

 Not only did we win one, we won TWO!  Meet Golfishy and Gray-y, both now deceased, two days later to be exact!  He loved them so we now have a new tank with two new fish.  He will now tell you that "Fair fish are YUCK and they die" hahahah!

Next up, some grubbin'! You can see my delicious corn dog to the left! I was supposed to share it with Franklin but that didnt happen!  Grant sd he wanted a hot dog but took one bite and sd "Im not hungry".. so see what happened?

 We played a few more games and Grant asked his Daddy to carry him, very unusual, and sd he wanted to go home.  When Franklin picked him up we quickly realized he had a fever and it was time to go.
 One last stop for Cole.... animals! :)

The fair wasnt a complete bust but not what we had in mind.  Unfortunately on the way home Grant had some "sickness" happen in the truck (I will spare you the details) and it was a MISERABLE ride home for all of us.  Luckily his memories of the fair are much better than ours!  Thats all that matters though!  Maybe next year.... MAYBE!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

so sorry G got sick :( and uggggh in the car. poor you!!

love all the food pics of C - esp the cotton candy and hot dog. CUTIE PIE!!