Monday, May 13, 2013

Mothers Day 2013

I love Mother's Day! Its the one day of the year where I feel like all my hard work has paid off, I feel proud of my kids and of our accomplishments, its such a special day to me!  Its also the time I have to reflect on how much my sweet Mother and Grandmother have sacrificed for us, without them, we wouldn't exist nor would I have the "know how" of how to be a Mom!
 Franklin got me this new swing for our back porch! I have been wanting one for a VERY long time and it was the PERFECT gift!  We had my Mom, Kelly and Tol and their boys over for burgers and outside fun!  We certainly missed my Granny and Grandpa this year and were sad they were not up to coming.  Maybe next year :( We also missed Franklin's Mom and Grandma.
 It was MUCH cooler than I thought when  I went outside and Cole told me he needed a hat, and this is what he picked out... what a NUT!
 Sweet cousins...

 Buddy and the boys... and Banjo!
 Kelly and her boys..
 Tol reading everyone a story!

 Little Tol has a loose tooth and his Dad tried to work on it.. I couldn't watch... ugh.. the popping noises gave me "the willies" ... and for the record.. the tooth is still in his mouth.
 Cole is obsessed with playing in the water.  I almost dread coming outside because its ALL he wants to do and its such an ordeal to have wet clothes, take them off, dry him off, get dry clothes etc.  But LITERALLY after the 100th time of him asking "Wa-wa.. ON", I finally gave in.  This lasted a good hour and it was FREEZING and he did NOT care.

 After it warmed up the other boys stripped down and got in to a water fight.... Im freezing just looking at this!
 Someone couldn't handle being left out!

 Nothing like sweet naked baby cuddles!

It was a great day! Thanks to our Mama's and Grandmama's for all they do! LOVE YOU

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

love those cute butts!!!

and great gift from F too - amazing swing!!!