Thursday, May 30, 2013

We survived!

Here we are back in August!  My first day working at the preschool, I was more nervous than them!  Not only because I was the "new girl" but also because it was Cole's first year and he would be across the hall from me! I have to admit that it was an INCREDIBLE year.  The first couple of months I thought "What on earth have I signed up for" but as Phyllis and I got into our routine and learned each baby, I began to fall in love with each one!  We have a great team effort in our class and we get along great and I'm happy to say I am super excited about next year!  Grant LOVED his teachers and his class and I never had issues getting him to go to school.  Cole, on the other hand, cried 80% of every drop off.  I didnt help that his class was DIRECTLY across from mine and he could see me, we also had chapel and music or any other activity together, thankfully next year that wont happen! I'm also very proud of him because I had major reservations about him napping on a mat and they told me he was the best one!  I look at these pictures and see an incredible difference in all of us (Lord help me I needed my roots done in the first pic!), but the boys changed a ton!  

I'm so happy to be a part of the Calvary staff and for my kids to attend such an awesome program!  Looking forward to August, but in the meantime I will be enjoying sleeping past 5am on Tues/Thurs! :)


Emily G. said...

I hear ya on the "sleeping in" part.

Love your handsome boys!

Elicia said...

Yay! They are so presh! I hope we can get together soon. Miss you!