Sunday, August 25, 2013

Grants 1st Sport! SOCCER!

Check out my handsome little soccer player!  Ahh that picture warms my heart, how did he get so big??
We registered him for the Murfreesboro Soccer Club just for some extra exercise and to get him used to a "team"! His best buddy, Ross, from school was also playing and his Dad was gonna be the coach! I thought this would be perfect esp since Grant can be a little timid at times!
I was so proud of my little man, he got right in there and did his best but most importantly he had FUN!

 Proud to be a "Soccer Mom"!
 Poor Cole... bless him, he wants to play SO BAD!  He tries to go out to the team huddles and runs right beside them with his ball!  He's just as hot and sweaty as the rest of the team when its over!

 OH! Did I mention the best part?  Franklin is helping Coach the team and Grant is SO excited about this! There is nothing sweeter than seeing my sweet boy and my husband on the field!

 Franklin is awesome at making Grant hustle and encouraging him to try his best!
 Little Brother sweating it out!

 This Saturday was SUPER hot and thankfully there was a snowcone truck at the field! Buddy to the rescue!

 Papa and DeeDee made a game too!
 Ross' sister, sweet Sarah!
My little escape artist ran on the field during game time yelling "Daddy... Play too, play too"

We are beyond thrilled that Grant is having a great time and enjoying his games! SO PROUD!


Emily G. said...

I'm so proud of G too! You picked a great sport to start with! :)

Ashley said...

Just now getting to read this! Great job, Grant!:) Love the pictures!