Thursday, February 27, 2014


 Last weekend we headed down to Birmingham for a well over due visit to see our friends, The Coleman's! It was Cole's first road trip with us and he did great, other than sleeping!
The kids were so eager to play, as were Leah and I to catch up so we stayed at her house, cooked dinner and just chilled!  Saturday morning we headed to the Birmingham zoo!

 Grant and Colin seriously studying the map!
 This cracks me up, this is Colin's version of how a flamingo sleeps!

 This sweet little Giraffe had just recently had a baby and they separated her from it. It was PITIFUL, she just kept pacing back and forth and looking in the shelter.
 The kids loved stopping at these little wooden photo booths ...

 but.. it became a hazard.  Since Cole didnt sleep well the night before and got up at 430 and stayed up he was tired and a bit on the clumbsy side.  He tripped going up the step trying to take a picture and busted his chin open for the 2nd time in a week.  Nothing like being on the opposite end of the zoo (with a white jacket on, I might add) and needing some help. I was sure he'd need stitches but was thankful he didn't, ESP aft dealing with the two grouchy old ladies in the First Aid center. Seriously, if you're gonna work in a place that deals with KIDS, be compassionate!  Anyways... after about a 20 minute rest and a fresh wash and band aid we moved right along!

Charlie was such a trooper! Do they get any cuter than this?
 Up close and personal with this dude!
 Nothing like a train ride to make you feel better.

 Leah and Charlie.. love this picture.

 Grant was PUMPED about seeing the Gorilla, he was pretty interesting if I do say so.
 Grant doing his gorilla pose.

 After the zoo we stopped for a picnic and then headed back to Leah's house!
 Cole LOVES helping me in the kitchen and when Leah mentioned she was going to make lemonade with her fancy lemon squeezer thingy he was on it "I can help you too".

 He was super proud of it too!

 The kids had such a great time and we're so thankful they had us down for a visit, we miss you!!!

On the way home we stopped in Pulaski to see my Grandparents and grab some lunch, its always good seeing them, even if it is for a quick visit.

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

looks like you guys had fun; that is a great zoo! sorry we couldn't hang out :( next time!