Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Amy's Visit!

One of my favorite things each year is when my sister, Amy, comes to visit.  Time always slips by so quickly when she's here but we try to make the most of each visit. We were happy that Serena got to come too!  Let me tell you, those girls are troopers.. they dressed in costumes, got on and in the swing set, played ball, pulled the wagon, played hide and seek, went on walks.. you name it, they did it!  So wished they lived closer :)   The first night they got here we went to Martin's BBQ for dinner then came back home.  Friday, we headed back to Moms for a home cooked dinner!  Saturday, they came to our house and we grilled out... and here's where the fun begins..
 Serena and my boys!
 A few good drinks and some Motown music can loosen ol' Grandaddy right up!  Put on some James Brown and he'll flat out cut a rug in the kitchen!

 Such a fun fun night!

 Amy and Serena spent the night because the next morning Granny, Grandpa, Tol, Kelly and their boys , and Mom and Toby all came over for another cookout and fun filled day of playing and passing Knox around!  Here are some pictures from our awesome day!

 My handsome Grill Master :)

 Kelly asked Grant to hold Knox and "babysit" him for a second, Grant's little face lit up and he loved every second of watching his little cousin.  He did a great job!
 More bday celebration with the rest of the family!
 Thank you Miss Leah for Cole's bday cup!
 A Smokey dog from Amy and Serena!

 Cole got a new water table and the boys LOVED the box...

 I love this picture, although it looks weird.. my Mom and I used to do "the butterfly" when I was little! It was fun sharing that Moment with my bday boy!
So happy to have had a fun family filled weekend!!!!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

I love that last pic!!! I did that with my mom (and later, my sisters), though we called it the Spider! haha.

So glad Amy & Serena got to come visit; looks like you guys had a blast!!

Btw can you text me a pic of your swingset? We are about to buy one and I think it's the same as yours :)