Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cole's 1st Field Trip, Lucky Ladd Farms

Last Thursday Cole got to go on his very first field trip, he was so excited because we were going to a farm.  Every barn we passed he would yell "Look Mommy, a barn, is that the farm field trip".  If you've ever been to Lucky Ladd's you'll know just how many barns we passed and how many times he said that!  We were esp lucky to have my Mom, Buddy, come with us a chaperone!  Cole was extra excited about that!
 This is sweet Austin with a baby goat.

 Cole and Aubree
 ahh... the love triangle! Sarah, Cole and Aubree.  Now.. Miss Kim and Miss JoAnn tell me that these two sweet little gals tend to "tiff" over Cole!  I mean.. he is mighty handsome!
 Talk about a ladies man... the leader of the pack!  Three girls behind him..

 This child LOVED diggin in the corn, we had to pry him out of there, he loved it.

 The tire swing shaped like a horse.. he'd yell "G'up horsey"
 Next came the farm animal presentation...
 sigh... meet "Henny Penny"... Cole loved her, talked to her, and then proceeded to wipe a booger on her..  and then smiled. The poor girl holding Henny looked at Cole, looked at Henny, then proceeded to look at me in disbelief and probably horrified.. then at that moment everyone busted out in to laughter. Sorry about that Henny!

 The hay ride...
 Below is a picture of Cole and Miss Kim! I wished I had a picture of Cole with Miss JoAnne too but I failed to get one. These ladies are AMAZING, they truly love my boy and they work so hard to help boost his "education" and teach them valuable lessons.  And a bonus for me, I gained two great friends that I respect and admire!

 "Milking the cow"
 And to wrap it up, some ice cream!
What a special day we had, thanks Buddy for going with us!

1 comment:

Leah said...

I miss Lucky Ladd Farm!