Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Someday I'll learn to listen to Mom!

WOW... Yet again I sit here and think "Why didn't I listen to my Mother"!

When you're little people always tell you "Mom's always right".. well its true!

Grant has been fussy for a long time now and I chalked it all up to teething. The more I thought about it and the more I listened to her I realized that his little belly might be hurting him. She told me a month ago to try him on soy but I thought.. NO he's fine he's just teething. Out of desperation on Monday I decided SOMEONE HELP ME! He cried all weekend and would NOT sleep. So .. off to Buddy's we go and she bought him a can of Soy Formula, all I can say is HALLELUJAH THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!! He has slept 10 1/2 - 11 hours the past two nights in a row! Now if we can just get this napping thing down we'll be on track! Even his mood has been better!!!!!!!! THANKS MOM!