Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dirty Rotten Beetle!

Those dirty little Beetles..... DO YOU SEE THEM? Dont be mating on my plants.. and ESP dont be puttin holes in them! How dare they? These little pests are really getting on my nerves! They're putting holes in all of my plants not to mention being total pervs! I welcome any advice for getting rid of them!

Now that I've vented about my Beetle problem.. how about a garden update! So... my lemon tree has only produced 1 lemon.. but man.. look how big it is! (And no.. its not a lime. . it just hasnt turned yellow yet!)

OOH Onions! Those little bush-looking things are pickle bushes.. I have seen zero pickles... and something got a hold of my squash too.... since Im mad at them... I'll blame the beetle!

You can barely see, but here are my banana peppers!

Big Mexican Jim Peppers

AH... . my tomatoes... doesnt look like it but I have 16!!!!!!! Im so excited!

Bradley Tomatoes.. MY FAVE!


The picture doesnt do it justice.. these okras are HUGE!

Well.. this has NOTHING to do with gardening...but whats a blogpost without a picture of Grant?
We went swimming at my friend Casey's today... this is Grant's poolhair!


The Overstreets said...

Your garden is SO amazing! I am impressed! You do need a house in the country. We loved having you guys over today. Grant was incredible in the pool!

Emily G. said...

My mouth is watering already....huge okra, here I come!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

Girl, you are too funny!!! I can't wait for you to come plant me a garden next year!! Ha ha! Grant's pool hair is just plain awesome!