Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grant shares his Mama!

My friend, Leah, needed someone to watch her sweet little boy yesterday so I happily (and yes a little nervously) accepted! Colin just turned 4 months and is such a DOLL! He's got the biggest dimples when he grins, and yet the most pitiful little pout when he's sad! He melted me!
I was nervous because Grant just started walking but he still wants to be held ALOT, and I was unsure how that was going to work out! When Leah brought Colin to the house, Grant was all smiles and even offered to share his "Ap" (aka: Apple) with Colin! He would walk to Colin and say "Awwww... baby" and love on him. He even tried to give him a swing in his jumpy (fret not.. I was in arms length!). I talked to Emily and asked her to bring Nate over to keep Grant busy because I honestly didn't think he'd share me very long! The three boys had a great time.. of course Emily and I just had to get their picture together.. it took MANY attemps but we finally got them!

All 3 of the boys took cruddy naps :( So when Grant got up he was less than thrilled that Mommy was holding someone else... poor fella.. he didnt understand! I sat him beside me, as I held Colin, and read to both of them.. he'd look at Colin, give him "the eye" and then yank his sock off! Then he wanted to point out Colin's eyes, nose, and ears... as most of you know Grant is not the most gentle person and you should have seen Colin's expressions! Poor Colin, he was such a little trooper... Bless him!
All in all it was a great day and I dont have any complaints (Well.. wait.. I did change FOUR poopy diapers!!!!!)! At the end of the day I realized how hard it would be having twins.. God Bless the people who do!
And... I got my baby "fix"!!!! He's such a sweet little fella!


Emily G. said...

I thought it was FIVE poopy diapers! Whew!! And you forgot to mention that G kept wanting to put his hand in it, haha!

We had a great time and it was fun seeing all the boys play.

You are super-mom btw!!

Jayne Weber said...

WOW! I can't believe Grant is already walking! He is such a doll! I love the new picture!