Monday, May 24, 2010

ISR and a all Boy Party!!

Let me start by apologizing for this blog post! I had all the pictures organized on this post and when I went to upload them... they are all out of order and some didnt even show up.. .I remembered why I hate blogging :( I tried to move them around and that didnt happen either. So, sorry in advance!

Anyways... Im so happy to say that we are finally finished with ISR!!! Our 4 week program turned in to 8 weeks due to some personal things with me and the flood! I will miss how exhausted this class made Grant and I will miss having something to do for 2 hours every morning but I wont miss the drive!!!!!!!! I am happy to say that Grant "graduated" and all last week he would ASK to get in the pool.. no screaming! YIPEE! He'd say "Ketty...... in.. ... pwease" (meaning I want to get in the pool with Kelly please!)!

On his last day he had to swim in a regular diaper and his clothes and it didnt phase him a bit! They do this to teach them that clothing is added weight if you were to fall in the pool!
An under water shot... he reminds me of the Nirvana baby! Hahaha

Everytime he would finish he would look over to see if his "crowd" was watching him! He would smile really big and either splash us or say "Job.... Good". He hasnt figured out that its "Good Job"... not Job Good! Whatever!

Floating without assistance!
One day after swim Little Tol came over and spent the night with us! Grant had an absolute BLAST but could hardly keep up with little Tol! (Let the unorganized pictures begin)
We started off by swimming, then we had bubbles, and icecream! My friend Mary Leigh dropped by with her son bates and she had him in the cutest little swimtrunks and sandals.. but of course none of the pictures I uploaded of him came out :( Except one and it doesnt show his sweet face. Sorry Bates.. I'll send these pics to your Mama!

More pics out of order... The Gpa's came to watch him swim!
A sucker for a job well done!

Oh yah.. back to bubbles and underwear!
Or underwear on the head! You should've heard Tol giggling!

Bates hung in there like a Champ.. you should've seen him climbing in and out of this pool!
I thought the boys were so cute in their PJ'S watching "The Fox and the Hound" and reading books!!! We had a great time! Yaters... you get to come next.. then Aunt Kelly and Tol.. I have news for you.... Grant is coming to you next! Hahha
This is random but I thought these were cute! Grant LOVES drinking out of a cup. I've been trying to be very patient with him and just let him do it. Here he is drinking milk out of my cup!

Such a good job!
If he spills it, he tells me! He says "Mama.... .Sib it.... Help" I love this boy!!!!!


Leah said...

I love his shirt in the last couple pictures. Where did you find that? And I don't mind out of order pictures. I just enjoy pictures in general.

mary leigh said...

Bates had a great time! He was wondering if Grant wanted to come swim in his big boy pool one day this week.

Emily G. said...

Love all the pics! Out of order or not!

So proud of G for graduating ISR, and I am glad I finally get my friend back LOL

The Overstreets said...

G is amazing!!!! Love the "Mom is hot tee"! Hope to see you two soon!!!

Ashley said...

What an accomplishment to finish the swimming class!!:) Way to go, Grant! And you too Hallie for sticking with it for 8 wks!