Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Little Chatter Box!

Over the past couple of weeks Grant has really become verbal. Yes, he's talked for a long time now but his little imagination is starting to churn and the phrases he comes up with make me smile! I thought I would share.

ME: Grant, do you need to go potty?
GRANT: No, I'm fine Mom

Me: Grant, lets eat
G: No Mom, I dont have time for dat

Random Person: Hey little man, I sure like that hat
G: Dats my special hat, my Dad give it to me

Me: Hey boys, whatcha doin? (G and Franklin were playing in his room)
G: NO MOM.. go downstairs, go wash dishes

Me: Grant, you have 5 more minutes before bed
G: Pwease Mom, just twenty five more mins

Me: Grant.. get in that bed right now, do you understand?
G: (As he sits up and points his finger at me) OK MOM.. I unda-stand

Jessica: Hey Grant, did you get new sheets on your bed?
G: Yah.. dey smell like strawberries

Emily: Grant, did you play in the snow?
G: I throw a snowball at Daddy's butt.

Me: Grant.. we will go play with your friend if you can be nice. Do not hit or push or you will get a timeout.. do you understand?
G: OK OK... I Promise Mom, I no hit or push

Me: Come on Charlie Brown (or whatever nickname we are using for the day)
G: NO.. I not Charlie Brown.. its me (as he pats his chest)... its Grant May-well

When he sees his picture "Hey... Dats me"

Yesterday when Franklin was tickling him on the bed "NO DAD... dat makes me nerbous" (Nervous)! I think he got that from my Mom because she sd the other night it made her nervous him jumping on the bed! HAHAH

and my favorite...

We were at the grocery store and he was in the cart, the bagger pulls the buggy up to load the groceries and Grant says " OH NO Guy... Dats MY MOM, Stop it Guy"!

Happy Hump Day everyone!


Emily G. said...

LOVE THESE!!! I definitely think you should start your own Friday Funnies column haha!!!

The "no mom, go downstairs and wash dishes" one almost made me spit my drink out I was laughing so hard!!

Love him!

PS I read that a good imagination is a sign of intelligence. If that's the case, our boys are going to be geniuses!! :)

Jessica said...

Love Love Love his comments!!! Apparently when he talks to me or about Kayleigh it's always about precious! BTW I would like to borrow your strawberry scented laundry soap!!!

Did you about die when he told you to go wash dishes? I think that is the funniest thing ever!