Thursday, February 24, 2011

No "Cabaties"

My very good friend, Amber (Thompson) Owens and her husband, Nathan, opened up a dentist office in Pulaski a couple of years ago. I normally wouldn't go to the Dentist an hour and a half away but it happens to work out perfect, I get to support my friends as well as visit my Grandparents! I figured I had better get a cleaning in before the baby comes and it just so happened that Grant was due for his first cleaning as well! I was a little nervous on how he'd behave so I've been amping it up and really talking about it when we brush our teeth every day. When we got there, Grant felt right at home. He got his flash light and started looking for alligators behind the couch cushions and curtains, luckily none were found! He then came over to Buddy and I and asked us to "Say Ahhhhh" and searched our mouth for "Cabaties" (cavaties).

Here he is pointing at me saying "Mommy... you got cabaties"?
Checking out Buddy...
I could've sworn I took more pictures but I guess I didnt :( But Grant was a TROOPER! He LOVED "Ms. Ambuh" as he called her. She was awesome with him and showed him all of her "special tools". I wished I could remember what she called them, very creative! He sat there and did everything she asked and she got his teeth cleaned without any fight!

Then it was time for Dr. Nathan to come in and give his teeth a look and check out the cleaning. He was a little unsure of "Dr. Nafan". He frowned those eyebrows and sealed his little lips. Dr. Nathan sd "Hey Grant, can you show me your teeth and where Amber cleaned them for you"? He sd "Um No.... Im a little too busy". We all hit the floor laughing and after a little persuading and showing Dr. Nathan our Buzz Lightyear, he let him check his teeth! I am happy to say that Grant and I both got a perfect report!
While I got my teeth cleaned, Mom took Grant on over to Granny and Gpa's for lunch and a visit! Grant loved helping Buddy pick up sticks!

I am terribly disappointed in these next few pictures. I dont know why they are all so blurry :(

We had a great lunch and visit with Granny and Gpa! And a special thanks to Amber and Nathan for making Grant's first cleaning so pleasant! It was good visiting with them as well!


Emily G. said...

He cracks me up....

I love how when I asked for a kiss good-bye the other day he said "No I'm too busy!" LOL. That must be his new thing!

Glad the check-up went well!!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

We must be on the same mind set! They boys got their teeth cleaned yesterday! So happy there are no "cabaties" either! LOL!

Ashley said...

thanks for the reminder...I still need to take Noah for his first appt. too!
Hope DR.C appt went ok today.