Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March Madness

March Madness may mean basketball tournaments for some people but to me, its totally different. As March approached yeseterday I realized.. WOW, I have a little over 3 weeks (29 days to be exact) before I'm a Mom of two. That just screams MADNESS to me. I started reorganizing my list of things to wash (in Dreft of course), pack for me and the baby, pack for Grant, things to do, places to go and things to get, and what all I wanted to do "special" with/for Grant. Grant has been beyond sweet and loving and full of surprises lately and I can't help but be a tad bit sad that his little world is about to be flipped upside down, and then on the other hand I think of all the joy this other baby will bring to our lives and what a blessing it is.

I visited my neighbors yesterday who have a precious newborn little boy. Its funny to see the exhaustion and excitment on the Parents of a newborn, and then when I was walking home I thought, oh geez, thats gonna be Me in a few weeks in conjunction with a roudy little boy! Again, excited and scared all at the same time. Grant loves babies and I know he'll be a great big brother but I often think about his ideas of being gentle and then my idea of it, not exactly the same. I forsee him giving the baby a "push" in the swing and it not being as gentle as I'd prefer, but I know he will just be "helping" me.

I also watch my friends that are Moms of two and I think, how do you do it, teach me! How do you get the bucket seat out of the car and hold on to your two year old and go in the grocery, where does everyone fit in the cart in conjunction with your groceries? What do you do when its pouring in the rain and there is no one to help you? What do you do if you're nursing and the other has to potty, or if Im cooking and they are both screaming? Or heaven forbid if they're both sick at the same time? Am I crazy or do all Moms find themselves asking these questions? The only thing I know to do is pick my friends brains and heavily pray about it. Since the day I found out I was pregnant I have honestly prayed for a healthy baby that is a good sleeper, nurser, and has a relaxed personality, who cares about the gender! I also pray for my sweet Grant and that he has an easy transition! And of course for mine and Franklin's sanity!

Anyways, March is month full of madness, anxiety, excitment, happiness, and Im sure a few tears!


Emily G. said...

you're hilarious. I picture you up at night - during one of your 100 pee breaks - having these million questions running thru your head like a wild woman!! :)

but yes...those are the hard parts...when you need to be in 2 places at once, helping both kids. it is overwhelming at times, but after a little bit, you get the hang of it and the kids adjust as well.

right now, instead of freaking yourself out with all the hard/scary stuff about 2 kids, focus on all the GOOD stuff. when your kids play together. make each other laugh. when they help each other when you're not looking.

it is worth all the craziness, I promise you! :)

Jessica said...

Love your post! Well I can not comment on how it is having 2 kids, but you are a wonderful mommy to Grant and have been a wonderful babysitter to Kayleigh and I know that you TOTALLY have it in you to have 2 kids and so just fine.

I know that sometimes you just have to let one of your kids cry and it will be JUST FINE! We will not call social services on you if I hear a kid crying!!

And just remember you have a neighbor across the street that can come over to your house for a little bit with one or both of your children while you run to the store because I am not sure where you put both kids and the groceries?? I can hardly do it with one?!?!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not ever hesitate to call or just show up on my doorstep (My husband shows up on yours) with a kid needing a favor. That is what neighbors are for!!!