Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Final Post!

I can't believe its March 30th, where oh where has the last nine months gone? I have been up since 4:00am, I couldn't help but think "this time tomorrow......." and then I started going over everything else I had to do today so I sd "OK, Im up"! Maybe its a good thing, maybe I will be exhausted tonight and actually get some sleep! Having said that, its my last day as a Mother of 1. I will NOT say "its my last day with Grant" because I still plan on having my special "Grant days". We took him to his favorite Sweet CeCe's last night and of course I was sitting there watching him eat his yogurt .. I took one look at that face covered in chocolate with a smile from ear to ear... and of course tears.. who cries when eating frozen yogurt... ME.. Miss Ball of Emotions! So instead of being sappy and sad about his "growing older and becoming a big brother" I decided to leave this a happy post! I can't wait to meet our new addition tomorrow and to watch my babies grow and become best friends! So I leave you with some funny "Grant Quotes" Last weekend Franklin and I went to wake Grant up from his nap (he had slept past the 3 hour mark, MIRACLE). I was on one side of him and Franklin on the other, Grant sat straight up and sd "Hey... Whats going on in here". Franklin was reading Grant a book and paused for a moment, Grant looked up at and sd "Hey Daddy... read it, lets talk about it". We were at a playdate last week and there was sweet baby Eden in the floor playing, Grant looks at me and says "Hey Mommy, my baby came out of your tummy". Eating lunch, we were having some chips and I've craved Doritos (which Grant calls burritos), I had decided to go on a limb and get Sun Chips, I told him about them and he was excited. He took a bite, his face lit up and he sd "Those aren't Burritos, those are Sunchips and they taste like the sun". and... finally on Sunday I went and had a pedicure, I came home and sd "Hey Grant, look at Mommy's toes they are Hot Pink" he sd "Here, I blow them off for you, they are hot". Happy Wednesday Everyone! PS. I have edited this post several times trying to separate the quotes and for some reason it wont let me??? Sorry it reads funny.


Emily G. said...

love the HOT pink one, haha!! N asked to see my toes first thing after nap. scary.

soooooooo excited for you and all the adventures that lie ahead with your TWO kiddos!

see you at 3:45 am! :)

Allyson said...

Hallie, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and am anxiously awaiting news of name and gender tomorrow! :) Love you, girl!

Ashley said...
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Ashley said...

great post.:) changes are not always easy, but definitely worth it. looking forward to watching grant with his new baby. he'll do great....and so will you!
lots of prayer for you tomorrow..