Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Guess Who?

I had to post these pictures because I thought WOW... they look alot alike! I, of course, can tell the difference but I never thought I would have two kids that looked so much alike! I have posted 4 pictures. 2 of Grant and 2 of Cole both wearing the same outfit!

Could you tell the difference? The first two pictures were of Grant and the last two were of Cole! Grant's head is rounder and Cole's is longer. Cole also is shorter and fatter notice his chinS!


Jessica said...

Wow they look so much alike. I thought the first picture was Cole for sure! I am amazed how dark Grants hair was and now how blond it is! Love your boys...they are precious!

Emily G. said...

I only knew for sure that the first was G and the last was C. I think its SO NEAT that your boys look so much alike! Please do more of these posts!!!

Miss you! :)

Ashley said...

Wow, all four pictures look like the same kid!!??
I had NO IDEA who was who!!:)