Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another Hoss?

Don't let this shirt fool you... little brother, yes, but little... HARDLY!
Yesterday I took Cole for his 2 month check up (a few weeks late). I dreaded going because I knew he'd have to have his shots but I was interested to see his growth.
Brother Grant was always "off the charts" and always in the 75th-100th percentile. I know Cole is a chubster but I didn't expect to hear what I did.

Dr. Bradley came in and was giggling and sd "Girl, you sure can grow em' big". She went on to inform me that Grant was in her top 5 biggest kids on the growth chart. Not being fat, just big. She sd it looks like Cole is gonna be right there with him! He weighed in at 14.2 lbs and was 24 1/4 inches long and in the 75th percentile! She sd he's gonna be a tall one! He got a great checkup and gave her some great smiles too.

When I got home I looked in Grant's baby book to see how big he was. He was 17 lbs and 25 inches at 3 1/2 months! SHEESH.. thats huge but I didnt realize it then, he's all I knew.
Anyways, Im so proud of my boys!


mary leigh said...

oh my word hallie!
brodie is 18 pounds! Maybe you need to come feed my kids!!

Emily G. said...

better to have hossy boys than girls! haha!!!

I need to squeeze C's cheeks soon please!