Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick Or Treat

After naps yesterday we dressed up the kids in their costumes and decided to go downtown to the Square for some early trick or treating, then come home for some chili and then hit our neighborhood! I have to say I think the kids looked so cute in their costumes! It was SO FUN watching Grant this year, the excitement in his eyes and the things he said were priceless! Esp when he'd shoot webs at people! (see below).

I loved Cole's little costume, esp the tail behind it!
Here we are at the square, we didn't stay long because Grant was hungry and thirsty and it was very slow paced!

After supper (which was a fight, like most nights Grant didn't eat so we told him no candy), we got dressed again and headed out!

I was really surprised at Grant, he didn't want us to go to the door with him, he'd tell us to stay in the driveway and he'd run as fast as he could to the door. At each door he'd tell that person something witty and funny! The first door he sd "Trick or Treat, but I can't eat this candy because I didn't eat my supper". Thanks for ratting us out Grant! The lady at the door looked at us, and I sd "YES, he's correct" and she sd "Well maybe you can eat a piece later". I wanted to say "Lady, don't give me that look, you come and fight him every night" but I didn't, I just smiled and thanked her for the candy!

This house cracked me up, he told this guy that "He got bit by a spider and it gave him amazing powers and responsibilities" hahahah, can you tell we've read a few Spiderman books? It just goes to show you that your kids are listening even when your think they aren't!
I love this picture, you can just see the excitement on his face! By the way, when he took off his mask he'd say "I'm Peter Parker" or in Grants words "Petuh Pawkuh"

We had a great time and Grant got some serious candy, I can't believe how long he lasted, his bucket got so heavy and he could barely carry it!
Little Cole was a trooper too!
After we got home we let Grant hand out candy, he loved it! (I hate that he has red eyes in this picture, I've tried correcting it three times, oh well).
I hope everyone had a great Halloween! Hope to post later on our trip to the Pumpkin Patch!


Leah said...

Cole is one cute lion. And I love that he told the peopel he couldn't he the candy. LOL He was looking for sympathy.

Ashley said...

Great Halloween post!:) The boys are at a wonderful age to enjoy these fun times!~

Emily G. said...

G is hilarious!!!!!! Love that he was so brave & grown-up this year and wanted to do it by himself.

Awesome pics of sweet C too...I loved that fat belly!