Friday, June 15, 2012

"Dennis The Menace" Friday Funnies!

Emily.. this is for you!

Keep in mind.. all of these pictures he was "busted", none of them were things I tried to get him to do, obviously!
 This crawling in to the cart caused a HUGE accident on Sunday, but nevertheless, he goes back for more!

 Brushing his hair!

 Its never to early to learn to clean, right?
 Aggravating poor Pal
 Stepping in Pal's food (after dumping out the water... humph).
 Reaction AFTER telling him no.

 Crawled up in my friend Jennifer's chair to play dinosaurs, yes he's growling!
 Finding Lula's (Mom's dog) treat.. probably debating eating it.
 stashing cookies in the cushion

 Hoarding cookies in our mouth but not eating it
 Hot Rod....  glasses halfway on and one shoe off

 in my shower
 and this morning... throwing an ever loving FIT because the muffins were still in the oven.
 OH PLEASE HURRY MUFFINS.. Im starved to death!
Happy Friday Everyone!

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

can you please feed that kid!? all he wants is a frickin' muffin!!! LOL love that last pic.

and the "brushing my hair" one.

oh and the stashing cookies one.

who am I kidding, I love this kid! :)

thanks for the Dennis post!